Place of Enrollment :
SMP Islam Al Madina
Jalan Menoreh Utara IX No. 57
Sampangan, Semarang
Telp. 024 ( 8505219, 8508633 )
Kampus sehat, aman, nyaman dan menyenangkan
Healthy, save, comfort and enjoyable school
Healthy, save, comfort and enjoyable school
Enrollment Procedure :
Enrollment Procedure :
- Pengambilan / pembayaran formulir pendaftaran ( Take an enrollment form )
- Pengisian biodata calon peserta didik baru ( Fill an enrollment form )
- Menyerahkan isian biodata calon peserta didik ( Submit a filled enrollment form )
- Pelaksanaan uji kompetensi : setiap sabtu jam 08.00 - 12.00 WIB ( Attend competency tests which is held every Saturday at 8 - 12 am )
- Pengunguman hasil uji kompetensi : setiap hari senin jam 09.00 WIB ( Competency tests results is announced every Monday at 9 am )
- Registrasi ( Registration )
- Pengambilan kain seragam ( Take uniform fabrics )
- Pembagian / penempatan ruang kelas ( Student Classification )
- Sosialisasi persiapan masuk tahun pelajaran baru ( Attend the socialization of new periods of studying-teaching activity preparations )
- Masa sua perdana ( Attend the orientation of new student )
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya lahir juga sekolah Islam bertaraf internasional di Semarang yang selama ini kami nantikan .
BalasHapusSukses buat SMPI Al Madina Semarang !!!